Our Products
Our products are based upon the elements and their interaction with the natural world.
Our mission is to create the most authentic recipes with the finest products using zero waste wherever possible and traditional methods.

Incense Sticks & Smokes
The element of air is represented by the convenience of Incense blends added to sticks. Using the finest plant materials and resins with traditional methods, our sticks compliment our need to alter our atmosphere and environment accordingly.
Before the need for modern convenience the ancestors used Smokes - blended plants and resins which incorporate the energetic aspects of the mixtures as well as the scents, bringing to life the traditional Herbcraft and folklore of the mysteries. These are produced with care in the Ravenwood Apothecary.

Ravenwood have long stocked beautiful quality beeswax and organic soy candles to complement the element of fire within the magic practices of our every day existence. Using beautiful colours and various sizes, Ravenwood also produce their own magical casting candles to align with astrological practices and workings.

Oils, Sprays & Vibrational Waters
The water element is represented by our unique pre-blended oils and sprays, created for physical healing and well-being, magical practice, protection, and every day uses.
As the location of Ravenwood boasts an abundance of Natural Wells and Springs, our vibrational waters are created with the finest energetics to ensure your balance of the water element is successful.

Raw Plant Material & Salts
As students of Ravenwood you may have discovered your own path to creating magical potions. As such Ravenwood offer you the finest raw plant materials for your own creations representing the earth element.
Magical salts are also part of the earth element which provide the true student of the craft with a convenient protection from which to practice.